I keep having dreams about failed travel. missing my stop on a train, late for a flight at the airport, missing days and weeks of school. I wonder what it means, in all of these dreams, a strange architecture, and pouring of sunlight, a wash of brigh yellow and orange, glowing on all surfaces. Thin air and impossible hights above the ground. My apartment walls run alongside screetching train rails. Moments in the dark are breif and romantic. Plotting a persuit for months enbedded in the echos of the data. What was it i was longing for, or missing with every stop or new line of code. Does the water flow with ones and zeros?

this is in the body?

and over here is some other shit!

this is a markiosk, whats the news?? this is an outrage!!!

this is a test. is it cnetered??

This is an article, do you read it loud and clear?

this is a figure caption. hover over to roll! this is the power of css and the anime girl.
yo theres boutta be some code below