Developer Mason Lindroth is a ceramic artist first, and it shows. While the game is esoteric and frustrating to play, it's compelling bits are in its style. I absolutely love his daring choice to make a game using his background in sculpting to create a world like no other. The degitization of every element just reminds me that someone touched everything in this game, and it existed at some point. It creates this second level in which you interact with the game where you can't help but think of it's developer mulling over every undulation. I get to this point sometimes which digitazied animation, but with my experience with clay you have to take so much care of the piece as you develop it. So much considiration is needing into how you hold it and adjust it that I can't help but admire the confidence with this tempermental medium.

But it's not just the principle, the style is so unified in its bizarreness that this, and many of his other sculptures are so rich with life and color, especially when animated. As I scroll through his twitter acct, I see so many different approaches, but the strangeness persists, and I wouldnt have it anyother way. Even when expiramenting with 3D graphics, his roots show blantantyl. He still takes the time to sketch and contruct these models, and it out even more potential for facination. It opens me to imagine these leviathans and behemoths towering over the skies or lumbering through arid wastelands akin to the collossi in Team Ico's Shadow of the Collossus.

The sheer confidence of the first game is also whats admirable. It exists without purpose unapologetically. It feels unpretentious despite it's esoteric ramblings. It is rough and imperfect. Maybe it's ignorance, or maybe its restraint. I'd like to think it's the latter cause thats what I need. The ability to say its good enough, and will be good enough. To me it is. Maybe the whole idea is paradoxical. Maybe the point is that it wasn't made to be critique'd and scrutinized. How do you do that? How do you make something for others without the knowledge that it could be picked apart. For the joy of creation? I find myself learning that, with writing these, and making these webpages. I can feel myself getting closer to jumping in headfirst. I've prepared enough, its time for the trials.